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PottyMD products help with potty training, bedwetting, and incontinence management.

PottyMD supports greater awareness and is committed to assisting families in developing healthy habits. We offer products and information that help everyone - from the youngest children to senior adults - achieve better bladder and bowel health and overall hygiene.

Many of our product instructions are offered in multiple languages. Please contact us if you need additional resources.

Please take advantage of these free downloads for our customers in support of your journey to better health:

Cover of The Complete Bedwetting Book  E-book: "The Complete Bedwetting Book, Including a Daytime Program for Nighttime Dryness", by D. Preston Smith, MD 

E-book: "El Libro Completo de Enuresis"

Wet-Stop progress chart  Printable: Wet-Stop Progress Reward Chart

 Thumbnail image of product instruction pages  Product Instructions

071921-pm-certificateb-01.jpg Potty Monkey Potty Training Completion Certificate

Also, be sure to visit our YouTube channel for additional instructional help and information.

Contact Us 

Our customer support team is here to assist you Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET

Call (865) 584-6700  |  E-mail  |  Facebook/Instagram messaging

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